Friday 24 June 2011

Facebook Posts by Israeli PM's Son Draw Fire on Arabs and Muslims

Haaretz reported that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's son wrote disparaging comments about Arabs and Muslims.

 An Israeli paper says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son has posted disparaging comments about Arabs and Muslims on his Facebook page.
The daily Haaretz found that earlier this year 19-year-old Yair Netanyahu posted that Muslims "celebrate hate and death." He wrote after Palestinians were accused of killing five members of an Israeli family that "terror has a religion and it is Islam," according to the paper.
Haaretz also reported Friday that after ethnic clashes in 2008, Yair called for a boycott of Arab businesses.
A lawyer for the Netanyahu family, David Shimron, said the comments were those of a "teenager" and were "taken out of context in an attempt to defame the prime minister and his family." Haaretz said the comments were quickly removed.

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